Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Focus to Get What You Want

Getting what you want in life involves a process of inspiration, dreaming, intention, focus, preparation, delegation, action and living in harmony with the energy of what you want. Today, I want to focus on “focus.” It is important to keep your focus on what you want verses what you don’t want, but sometimes that is easier said than done.

For example, when you are on a call with a prospect, I am sure what you want is for that person to hire you, but if you are focused on how much of a long shot that would be, then you probably will not get what you want. If you focus instead on how you can help that person and how much you want them to be your client, you have a much better chance of signing the deal.

It also carries through in your family life. For instance, when you want to enjoy a nice night with your children but all you can focus on is how they didn’t clean up their rooms and that you are fed up, you will probably not have a nice night with them. It’s important that they clean their rooms, yes, but maybe at that moment, it doesn’t need to be focused on. Or maybe you can focus together on getting the job done in a fun way.

If you are following along with me on my free “Inspire Your Inner Journey Program,” then take some time to journal about how you can keep your focus on what you want instead of what you don’t want. (If you haven’t signed up for the program already, you can do so at www.enchantgifts.com. If you need a journal to get you started, I have a nice selection there for you as well.)

Saturday, August 20, 2011

Free Program to Inspire Your Inner Journey

Stress is everywhere. Is it not? Now more than ever, it is important to create a practice that helps you go within to maintain balance and serenity in your life. And it is equally as important to surround yourself with images and words that will inspire and uplift your soul.

That is why I created Enchant ~ Designs for the Soul, where I provide art, words and wisdom to inspire your inner journey with my unique artistic journals, as well as a FREE program to help you use your journals to transform your life.
Enchant journals contain original, breathtaking artwork that are intended to help you feel uplifted and inspired. Plus, my online store allows you to add some personalization options for you or the person you are buying for.
But I have taken this a huge step further by offering a FREE program to go with your journals that allows you to receive journaling tips, ideas and inspirations so that you can make journaling a transformative experience to inspire your inner journey.

Sign up for the free program today by going to www.enchantgifts.com and registering in the upper right corner. 

Saturday, August 13, 2011

What Does Transformation Mean to You?

Here we are at the beginning of our transformation process – helping you use your Enchant artistic paper products to transform your life. Today we start off with the foundation so we can set you up for success…

Transformation is a powerful word that, in my eyes, puts a positive spin on the word “change.” Oftentimes, when we think about changing our lives, we experience fear, causing us to avoid it altogether. Transformation, on the other hand, often brings up beautiful feelings of hope and excitement.

Transformation is what happens when a caterpillar becomes a beautiful butterfly. When you transform, you are that butterfly, creating a new and exceptional version of you and/or your life.

To begin this process of transformation, it is important to first take a minute and journal about what transformation means to you. What do you want to transform in your life? Maybe you want to transform how you feel on a daily basis, or how you look. Maybe you want to transform your career or your family life. Maybe you want to transform how much free time you have or your relationships. What is it for you?

You can start by making a list and then narrowing it down to one or two things to focus on at the moment. Or you can start by just writing a stream of consciousness about your life, and then finding the gems within those paragraphs that will be your point of focus. Do what feels fun for you.
Journaling is a transformative process and this exercise will help you direct your focus so you can really create the life you desire. Till next time, have fun!

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