Thursday, September 22, 2011

Get the Goodness Part 2: Be Part of What is Good in the World

Continuing on in the Free Inspire Your Inner Journey program, this is part 2 of a 3-part series about the getting good things in life. (For part 1, click here: )

To have good things in life, it is important to be part of the goodness that exists in the world. How can one expect goodness in their life if they are not contributing to that goodness each day? It all goes hand in hand.

It is also important to make your decisions from the highest place possible. When you have a choice to make, weigh the options and ask if they are based on the highest good for everyone involved. Your gut will know the answer.

Last week, you wrote in your journal about all the things you are grateful for that are good in your life. This week, take some time to write about how you want to contribute to that goodness. For example, if you are grateful for the compassion you get from your husband, ask yourself how you can give him more compassion back. If you are grateful for the delicious meal you had last night, ask yourself how you can help someone else have a delicious meal as well. Get creative and you’ll start to feel passionate about your ideas, and you’ll be the catalyst for spreading goodness all around you!

If you still need a journal, check out these:
“Works of art created with the intention of not only uplifting and inspiring you, but also providing you with a way to use these products to transform your life.”

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Get the Goodness (Part 1: What Is Good In Your Life?)

Continuing on in the Inspire Your Inner Journey program, this is part 1 of a 3-part series about the getting good things in life.

We all want good things in our lives right? And we all have good things in our lives right now. There are so many blessings surrounding us, many of which we might notice and many of which we often overlook. Then there are the blessings that are completely disguised – those moments when we feel like the world is crashing in on us – those often turn out to be blessings in disguise.

If you want more goodness in your life, it is important to be continually grateful for the goodness that already exists in your life. The more you recognize those things with gratitude, the more the Universe will send your way. Take some time today to write in your journal about all the things you are grateful for. Making this a daily practice is one of the most life-transforming practices there is.

If you still need a journal, check out these:

“Works of art created with the intention of not only uplifting and inspiring you, but also providing you with a way to use these products to transform your life.”

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Be Surrounded by the Things That Make You Feel Good

Continuing on the Inspire Your Inner Journey program, I wanted to take some time out today to remind you that it is important to surround yourself with things that make you feel good. If you work in a drab office and then come home to a cluttered house, how can you feel any sense of calm or inspiration?

Our environments add to or detract from our stress. They help us achieve our dreams or they cause us to keep our dreams at a distance. Take some time to breathe some life into your environment, so you can feel that life force bringing out your inner passion and reigniting your inspirations and dreams.

If you love journals, note cards, bookmarks and beautiful art hanging on your walls, and you want some that is inspiring and uplifting, I invite you to take a peak at my artistic, inspirational paper products at I hope it helps you surround yourself with more beauty so you can call forth your inspired self!