Friday, November 18, 2011

How to Stop Struggling to Make Something Happen

Too often, we struggle to make things happen the way we want them to, and we end up trying to maintain control over what seems like a hopeless situation. We want to achieve something but we don’t know how in the world to make it happen. We experience this frustration over and over again only when we are not trusting in the Universe.

The reality is that trying to figure out how to do something is often counterproductive. When you learn to release the “how” to the Universe, you are essentially delegating the task of figuring it out to the Universe. And the plan that the Universe comes up with will be worlds different and much more incredible than anything you could imagine for yourself. This is because your vision and knowledge is so limited compared to that of the Universe.

Imagine if you could float back away from earth and view every living being and see everything that is going on simultaneously, and know every detail about every person and every thing on earth, and know everything that has ever happened or will ever happen in all eternity. If you could do that, don’t you think you would be able to make better choices and make better plans for yourself? Well, that is the perspective that the Universe has, so when you release your worries and your “hows” and your struggles to the Universe, you are enlisting some pretty powerful help.

It is not easy to surrender your stresses to the Universe, but when you learn to trust, you can. And when you do, things will flow for you so much easier than if you were trying and trying to make things happen in your own way. You’ll find that things just line up, the right people come into your life, the materials and tools come into your life and everything starts to fall into place. You will be driven to take the actions that will lead to results and to grasp onto the opportunities that will help guide you along.

Journal Writing Exercise: Begin to release the “hows” with the help of your journal. List out all of your current struggles, frustrations and worries in your journal. Release them to the Universe by asking for the Universe to figure it out for you. Take a deep breath as you let each one go and feel the weights lifting from your shoulders. Feel the new lightness in your body and give thanks for it. Then enjoy the flow that comes as a result.

Still need a journal to do these activities in? Check these out:
“Works of art created with the intention of not only uplifting and inspiring you, but also providing you with a way to use these products to transform your life.” 

Friday, November 4, 2011

How Often Do You Just Trust?

This month in the Inspire Your Inner Journey program, we are focusing on trust. A simple word – trust – but sooooo powerful. When is the last time you allowed yourself to just trust, whether it be trusting in the power of the Universe, trusting in yourself or trusting in a loved one?

If you read nothing else, read this: Learning to entrust your concerns and un-sureties into the care of the Universe is one of the most exhilarating and effective steps you can take in your life. Hands down, it is the most important realization I have had.

Think about the comparison between you and the Universe. The amount of knowledge you have can never come close to that of Universal knowledge. The next time you find yourself struggling because you don’t know what decision to make or you can’t imagine how things will work out, hand it over to the Universe. It’s not always for you to figure out! The Universe knows how to make it happen.

Your responsibility is to open yourself up to the signs the Universe sends you. To illustrate this, let’s look at a woman who is struggling to know what to do about her job. She is miserable in her career but can’t imagine what else she would do and she fears making a move that could fail. After learning about trusting the Universe, she hands over this issue to the Universe. The next week, as she is walking to her car, the wind blows a newspaper into her face. She pulls it away, looks at it, and is instantly intrigued with the article on the top page about business coaching. She takes the newspaper home so she can read the article in depth.

In this example, the woman was open. Instead of pulling the newspaper off her face in frustration, she stopped to look at it. The Universe WILL present you with opportunities to find the answers you seek IF you open yourself up.

Journaling Exercise: For our journaling exercise this week, write down an issue, frustration, fear or anxiety that you have been struggling with. Turn it over to the Universe and then note down each day any signs and opportunities that come your way. If you are open, you might very well be pleasantly surprised at what you discover!

Still need a journal to do these activities in? Check these out:
“Works of art created with the intention of not only uplifting and inspiring you, but also providing you with a way to use these products to transform your life.”