Friday, November 18, 2011

How to Stop Struggling to Make Something Happen

Too often, we struggle to make things happen the way we want them to, and we end up trying to maintain control over what seems like a hopeless situation. We want to achieve something but we don’t know how in the world to make it happen. We experience this frustration over and over again only when we are not trusting in the Universe.

The reality is that trying to figure out how to do something is often counterproductive. When you learn to release the “how” to the Universe, you are essentially delegating the task of figuring it out to the Universe. And the plan that the Universe comes up with will be worlds different and much more incredible than anything you could imagine for yourself. This is because your vision and knowledge is so limited compared to that of the Universe.

Imagine if you could float back away from earth and view every living being and see everything that is going on simultaneously, and know every detail about every person and every thing on earth, and know everything that has ever happened or will ever happen in all eternity. If you could do that, don’t you think you would be able to make better choices and make better plans for yourself? Well, that is the perspective that the Universe has, so when you release your worries and your “hows” and your struggles to the Universe, you are enlisting some pretty powerful help.

It is not easy to surrender your stresses to the Universe, but when you learn to trust, you can. And when you do, things will flow for you so much easier than if you were trying and trying to make things happen in your own way. You’ll find that things just line up, the right people come into your life, the materials and tools come into your life and everything starts to fall into place. You will be driven to take the actions that will lead to results and to grasp onto the opportunities that will help guide you along.

Journal Writing Exercise: Begin to release the “hows” with the help of your journal. List out all of your current struggles, frustrations and worries in your journal. Release them to the Universe by asking for the Universe to figure it out for you. Take a deep breath as you let each one go and feel the weights lifting from your shoulders. Feel the new lightness in your body and give thanks for it. Then enjoy the flow that comes as a result.

Still need a journal to do these activities in? Check these out:
“Works of art created with the intention of not only uplifting and inspiring you, but also providing you with a way to use these products to transform your life.” 

Friday, November 4, 2011

How Often Do You Just Trust?

This month in the Inspire Your Inner Journey program, we are focusing on trust. A simple word – trust – but sooooo powerful. When is the last time you allowed yourself to just trust, whether it be trusting in the power of the Universe, trusting in yourself or trusting in a loved one?

If you read nothing else, read this: Learning to entrust your concerns and un-sureties into the care of the Universe is one of the most exhilarating and effective steps you can take in your life. Hands down, it is the most important realization I have had.

Think about the comparison between you and the Universe. The amount of knowledge you have can never come close to that of Universal knowledge. The next time you find yourself struggling because you don’t know what decision to make or you can’t imagine how things will work out, hand it over to the Universe. It’s not always for you to figure out! The Universe knows how to make it happen.

Your responsibility is to open yourself up to the signs the Universe sends you. To illustrate this, let’s look at a woman who is struggling to know what to do about her job. She is miserable in her career but can’t imagine what else she would do and she fears making a move that could fail. After learning about trusting the Universe, she hands over this issue to the Universe. The next week, as she is walking to her car, the wind blows a newspaper into her face. She pulls it away, looks at it, and is instantly intrigued with the article on the top page about business coaching. She takes the newspaper home so she can read the article in depth.

In this example, the woman was open. Instead of pulling the newspaper off her face in frustration, she stopped to look at it. The Universe WILL present you with opportunities to find the answers you seek IF you open yourself up.

Journaling Exercise: For our journaling exercise this week, write down an issue, frustration, fear or anxiety that you have been struggling with. Turn it over to the Universe and then note down each day any signs and opportunities that come your way. If you are open, you might very well be pleasantly surprised at what you discover!

Still need a journal to do these activities in? Check these out:
“Works of art created with the intention of not only uplifting and inspiring you, but also providing you with a way to use these products to transform your life.” 

Sunday, October 30, 2011

Break Out of the Blues With Authenticity – Week 4: Make Someone’s Day!

Continuing in the Inspire Your Inner Journey program, we are in week 4 of 4 in the Break Out of the Blues With Authenticity segment.

In week 1, we focused on how we hold back our authenticity and the damage that does in our lives. In week 2, we focused on expressing your authenticity more freely. Week 3 was about bringing it all together and becoming ultra aware of just how great you are, and this week we focus on recognizing greatness in others.

We have established that we are all unique and that we should celebrate that authenticity in ourselves. What better way to do that then to honor the authenticity in others?
Something happens inside of us when we help brighten the day of others by taking the time to let them know we recognize what makes them great. By brightening their day, the “feel good” vibes spread over to us as well.

In this fast paced world, we often don’t stop to let others know we notice and appreciate them. Email makes it very easy way to do this nowadays, but my favorite way is to send a hand written card. There is nothing like seeing something in your mailbox, knowing it isn’t a bill, and feeling that expression of love when you read a card from someone who took the time to tell you that you are great.

If you need some inspirational note cards to help with this process, check out these:“Works of art created with the intention of not only uplifting and inspiring you, but also providing you with a way to use these products to transform your life.”

Friday, October 21, 2011

Break Out of the Blues With Authenticity – Week 3: You Are Great!

Continuing in the Inspire Your Inner Journey program, we are in week 3 of 4 in the Break Out of the Blues With Authenticity segment.

In week 1, we focused on how we hold back our authenticity and the damage that does in our lives, and last week we focused on expressing your authenticity more freely. This week, we want to bring it all together and become ultra aware of just how great we are.

Authenticity is truly beautiful. It is what makes everything that exists in this world possible. If we all had the same skills and greatnesses, we would be very limited in the resources we have available to us. Because you are different than me, you will add to this world in a unique way and I will add to it in a unique way. We can all benefit from the greatness that is inside of each of us.

It’s time to let your greatness shine. Don’t hide behind your masks, covering up who you really are. The world needs your uniqueness. Begin to let it shine today by pulling out your journal and creating a list of all the things that make you great. What are you great at? What unique talents do you have? What have others complimented you on? What do you secretly wish you could share with the world?

If you still need a journal to complete these activities in, check these out: “Works of art created with the intention of not only uplifting and inspiring you, but also providing you with a way to use these products to transform your life.”

Friday, October 14, 2011

Break Out of the Blues With Authenticity – Week 2: Express Your Soul

Continuing in the Inspire Your Inner Journey program, we are in week 2 of 4 in the Break Out of the Blues With Authenticity segment. If you missed week one, click here:

Last week, we focused on how we hold back our authenticity and the damage that does in our lives. This week, we want to focus on expressing your authenticity more freely. To me, the soul is the source of authenticity. Everyone has a personality (or ego) and everyone has a soul. Our personalities can change as we go through life, but our souls do not. The soul can grow, but that growth only leads to the soul expressing more deeply what is inside of it.

When you are being authentic, you are allowing your soul to sing. You have probably met people whose souls are singing. You will recognize them as those people who look radiant and seem to have a passion for life. They are the people for whom everything seems to just fall into place. That is because when we are living more from the soul instead of the ego, we are expressing true beauty out into the world. We aren’t fighting against what we are meant to be, so things happen more easily for us, and since we are not feeling stifled, we are happier. Authenticity is never perfect, but is always beauty.

In your journal this week, jot down some times in your life when you have felt that inner song; when you knew you were being fully authentic and it felt incredible. Throughout the week, look for more moments like that and record those also.

If you still need a journal to complete these activities in, check these out: “Works of art created with the intention of not only uplifting and inspiring you, but also providing you with a way to use these products to transform your life.”

Friday, October 7, 2011

Break Out of the Blues With Authenticity - Week 1: Be Authentic

This month in the Inspire Your Inner Journey program, we are focusing on authenticity. Being authentic is one of the best things we can do to enhance our lives, our careers, our relationships, and really anything you can think of. That is because when you are not being authentic, you are holding back who you really are, and that only creates problems.

By not being fully authentic in each aspect of your life, resentments are created as you secretly wish you could just “be yourself.” In addition, life will feel more difficult and uninspiring because you will not be expressing your real talents and you will therefore be trying to do something or be someone instead of letting your real self flow easily. When you hold yourself back in life by either doing what you think others expect of you or by doing something and being someone different than you want to be because you don’t think it is possible to do or be what you really want to be, it is like you are taking aside a little child and telling them over and over again that they need to be someone different than they are. It’s damaging and demeaning and only leads to heartache and depression.

In your journal today, jot down the ways that you hold back your authenticity. In what ways are you not being yourself in how you dress, eat, speak? In what ways are you stifling yourself in your career, in your relationships, in the place you live in? Keep going. How are you not being you?

Still need a journal to do these activities in? Check these out:
“Works of art created with the intention of not only uplifting and inspiring you, but also providing you with a way to use these products to transform your life.” 

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Get the Goodness Part 3: Tell Others You Are Grateful For Them

Continuing on in the Free Inspire Your Inner Journey program, this is part 3 of a 3-
part series about the getting good things in life.

Imagine what the world would be like if we all shared with people how grateful we
are for each other. It is one thing to be blessed with goodness and to express that
gratitude in our heads or in our journals, but it is quite transforming to share it with

You know how good it makes you feel when people tell you that you did a great job
or that they appreciate you. It makes you feel uplifted and passionate and it makes
you want to do more of what you were praised for. You probably also know what it
feels like to do and do and do without any kind of expressed gratitude. It makes you
not want to try as hard.

Knowing this, let’s all make more of an effort to express our gratitude for others to
their faces. What better way to do that than with a hand written card? Set a goal to
send one card a week out to someone who you are grateful to that week. The world
would be a different place if we all did this!

If you still need some inspirational note cards to send your gratitude on, check out
“Works of art created with the intention of not only
uplifting and inspiring you, but also providing you with a way to use these products to
transform your life.”

If you missed part 1, click here:

If you missed Part 2, click here:

Thursday, September 22, 2011

Get the Goodness Part 2: Be Part of What is Good in the World

Continuing on in the Free Inspire Your Inner Journey program, this is part 2 of a 3-part series about the getting good things in life. (For part 1, click here: )

To have good things in life, it is important to be part of the goodness that exists in the world. How can one expect goodness in their life if they are not contributing to that goodness each day? It all goes hand in hand.

It is also important to make your decisions from the highest place possible. When you have a choice to make, weigh the options and ask if they are based on the highest good for everyone involved. Your gut will know the answer.

Last week, you wrote in your journal about all the things you are grateful for that are good in your life. This week, take some time to write about how you want to contribute to that goodness. For example, if you are grateful for the compassion you get from your husband, ask yourself how you can give him more compassion back. If you are grateful for the delicious meal you had last night, ask yourself how you can help someone else have a delicious meal as well. Get creative and you’ll start to feel passionate about your ideas, and you’ll be the catalyst for spreading goodness all around you!

If you still need a journal, check out these:
“Works of art created with the intention of not only uplifting and inspiring you, but also providing you with a way to use these products to transform your life.”

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Get the Goodness (Part 1: What Is Good In Your Life?)

Continuing on in the Inspire Your Inner Journey program, this is part 1 of a 3-part series about the getting good things in life.

We all want good things in our lives right? And we all have good things in our lives right now. There are so many blessings surrounding us, many of which we might notice and many of which we often overlook. Then there are the blessings that are completely disguised – those moments when we feel like the world is crashing in on us – those often turn out to be blessings in disguise.

If you want more goodness in your life, it is important to be continually grateful for the goodness that already exists in your life. The more you recognize those things with gratitude, the more the Universe will send your way. Take some time today to write in your journal about all the things you are grateful for. Making this a daily practice is one of the most life-transforming practices there is.

If you still need a journal, check out these:

“Works of art created with the intention of not only uplifting and inspiring you, but also providing you with a way to use these products to transform your life.”

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Be Surrounded by the Things That Make You Feel Good

Continuing on the Inspire Your Inner Journey program, I wanted to take some time out today to remind you that it is important to surround yourself with things that make you feel good. If you work in a drab office and then come home to a cluttered house, how can you feel any sense of calm or inspiration?

Our environments add to or detract from our stress. They help us achieve our dreams or they cause us to keep our dreams at a distance. Take some time to breathe some life into your environment, so you can feel that life force bringing out your inner passion and reigniting your inspirations and dreams.

If you love journals, note cards, bookmarks and beautiful art hanging on your walls, and you want some that is inspiring and uplifting, I invite you to take a peak at my artistic, inspirational paper products at I hope it helps you surround yourself with more beauty so you can call forth your inspired self!

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Focus to Get What You Want

Getting what you want in life involves a process of inspiration, dreaming, intention, focus, preparation, delegation, action and living in harmony with the energy of what you want. Today, I want to focus on “focus.” It is important to keep your focus on what you want verses what you don’t want, but sometimes that is easier said than done.

For example, when you are on a call with a prospect, I am sure what you want is for that person to hire you, but if you are focused on how much of a long shot that would be, then you probably will not get what you want. If you focus instead on how you can help that person and how much you want them to be your client, you have a much better chance of signing the deal.

It also carries through in your family life. For instance, when you want to enjoy a nice night with your children but all you can focus on is how they didn’t clean up their rooms and that you are fed up, you will probably not have a nice night with them. It’s important that they clean their rooms, yes, but maybe at that moment, it doesn’t need to be focused on. Or maybe you can focus together on getting the job done in a fun way.

If you are following along with me on my free “Inspire Your Inner Journey Program,” then take some time to journal about how you can keep your focus on what you want instead of what you don’t want. (If you haven’t signed up for the program already, you can do so at If you need a journal to get you started, I have a nice selection there for you as well.)

Saturday, August 20, 2011

Free Program to Inspire Your Inner Journey

Stress is everywhere. Is it not? Now more than ever, it is important to create a practice that helps you go within to maintain balance and serenity in your life. And it is equally as important to surround yourself with images and words that will inspire and uplift your soul.

That is why I created Enchant ~ Designs for the Soul, where I provide art, words and wisdom to inspire your inner journey with my unique artistic journals, as well as a FREE program to help you use your journals to transform your life.
Enchant journals contain original, breathtaking artwork that are intended to help you feel uplifted and inspired. Plus, my online store allows you to add some personalization options for you or the person you are buying for.
But I have taken this a huge step further by offering a FREE program to go with your journals that allows you to receive journaling tips, ideas and inspirations so that you can make journaling a transformative experience to inspire your inner journey.

Sign up for the free program today by going to and registering in the upper right corner. 

Saturday, August 13, 2011

What Does Transformation Mean to You?

Here we are at the beginning of our transformation process – helping you use your Enchant artistic paper products to transform your life. Today we start off with the foundation so we can set you up for success…

Transformation is a powerful word that, in my eyes, puts a positive spin on the word “change.” Oftentimes, when we think about changing our lives, we experience fear, causing us to avoid it altogether. Transformation, on the other hand, often brings up beautiful feelings of hope and excitement.

Transformation is what happens when a caterpillar becomes a beautiful butterfly. When you transform, you are that butterfly, creating a new and exceptional version of you and/or your life.

To begin this process of transformation, it is important to first take a minute and journal about what transformation means to you. What do you want to transform in your life? Maybe you want to transform how you feel on a daily basis, or how you look. Maybe you want to transform your career or your family life. Maybe you want to transform how much free time you have or your relationships. What is it for you?

You can start by making a list and then narrowing it down to one or two things to focus on at the moment. Or you can start by just writing a stream of consciousness about your life, and then finding the gems within those paragraphs that will be your point of focus. Do what feels fun for you.
Journaling is a transformative process and this exercise will help you direct your focus so you can really create the life you desire. Till next time, have fun!

Click here to return to Enchant.

Monday, July 25, 2011

There's so much to come!

My goal is to not only create unique artistic paper products (journals, note cards, wall hangings, bookmarks, etc.) that will uplift and inspire your soul, but to also provide you with a way to use these products to transform your life. That is why I have created this blog.

Here, you will receive tips, ideas and inspirations to help you use Enchant products to create an experience that will change your life for the better. It's only just beginning! I have so much good stuff coming your way :)